Required Academic Documentation for Undergraduate Applicants

How are international transcripts evaluated?

As an international student, you must have met (or will meet) the requirements to graduate from secondary school/high school in your native country. This diploma must be considered equivalent to a United States high school diploma. The list of credentials that are considered equivalent to the U.S. diploma can be found below. Note that some credentials like the IB or A levels may be considered for advanced standing/transfer credit.

If your transcripts, diploma, or any other academic documents are not in English, you MUST include an official English translation. Be sure to include all exam scores such as IB, AP, CAPE/CSEC, IGCSE/A levels, WAEC, Class X and Class XII Board examinations.

If your scores (ex: WAEC) can be verified online but require a PIN or scratch card number, please include this with your transcript.

How can transcripts be sent?

Institutions vary how they send official transcripts. We do accept electronic transcripts through verified servers (i.e. National Clearinghouse, eScript, Parchment, Credential Solutions, NJ Transfer). Transcripts received from a student will not be considered as official, so they will need to be requested from the Registrar’s Office of the previous institution unless another process is in place for the transcript to be sent on the student’s behalf. We do not request transcripts on a student’s behalf, and they are not automatically sent once the courses conclude.

Official transcripts may be sent electronically to or via mail to:

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Montclair State University

1 Normal Avenue

Montclair, NJ 07043

When are credits posted?

Students who have taken courses at the university level or who have taken secondary school examinations that might be eligible for advanced standing (i.e. IB, AP, A levels) may have transferable credit. Credits are posted to a student’s degree audit once a deposit has been submitted. We encourage students to send their official transcripts and verified exam scores to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as possible so that first-year schedules can consider those credits when being created.

If you are a transfer student from another international college or university, you will need to have your transcripts evaluated by a NACES organization, such as, and provide a course-by-course evaluation of your foreign transcript in order to receive a decision. This evaluation will help us assess all equivalent courses once you are accepted and we begin the credit evaluation process.

Secondary School Equivalency Charts

US/UK/Australia System

Country/System Credential
GCE (A or AS Level) General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level or Advanced Level
I/GCSE (O Level) International/ General Certificate of Secondary Education
US High School Diploma
International Baccalaureate Diploma Certificate
Australia Year 12 Certificate/Leaving Certificate



Country/System       Credential
Algeria Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Secondaire
Benin Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Secondaire
Cameroon Baccalauréat/ Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Diplôme d’État d’Études Secondaires du Cycle Long
Congo, Republic of the Baccalauréat
Egypt Certificate of General Secondary Education-Thanawiya Amma
Ethiopia Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE) or Ethiopian University Entrance Examination Certificate (EUEEC)
Gambia Senior School Certificate (WAEC) + Scratch Card (for verification)
Ghana Senior School Certificate (WAEC) + Scratch Card (for verification)
Guinea Baccalauréat
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Liberia Senior School Certificate (WAEC) + Scratch Card (for verification)
Libya Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-‘aama (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
Morocco Baccalauréat
Nigeria Senior School Certificate (WAEC) + Scratch Card (for verification)
Sierra Leone Senior School Certificate (WAEC) + Scratch Card (for verification)
South Africa National Senior Certificate
Tunisia Diplôme du Baccalauréat/Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
Uganda Ugandan Certificate of Education/ Ugandan O-Level
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe GCE O-Level



Country/System Credential
Afghanistan Baccaluria/Baccalaureate
Azerbaijan Attestat (School Leaving Certificate)
Bahrain Secondary School General Certificate
Bangladesh Secondary School Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
Brunei Brunei – Cambridge GCE O-Level
Cambodia Certificate of Upper Secondary Education/Baccalauréat
China Senior High School Graduation Certificate or Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate
Georgia Skolis atestati(General Education Diploma)
Hong Kong, SAR Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
India Secondary School Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) 12/ Paket C completion
Iran Peesh-daneshgahii (Pre-University Certificate)
Iraq Adadiyah Baccalaureate Examination Certificate
Israel Teudat Bagrut
Japan Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate
Jordan Tawajhi (General Secondary Education Certificate)
Kazakhstan Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Attestation of Secondary Education Completion)
Korea, Republic of (South) Graduation Certificate/ General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
Kuwait Shahadat Al-Thanawyia Al-A’ama
Kyrgystan Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education Completion)
Lebanon Baccalaurèat/General Secondary Education Certificate
Macau Senior Secondary School Certificate–Based on education system the school follows
Malaysia Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/ Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)/Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)
Mongolia Бурэн дунд боловсролын унэмлэх (Secondary Education Completion)
Myanmar Basic Education Standard X Examination Diploma A
Nepal Higher Secondary Education Board Certificate (HSEB)
Oman Thanawiya Amma (General Secondary School Certificate)
Pakistan Secondary School Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
Philippines Graduation Certificate/Diploma
Qatar Al-Thanawiya Aama Qatari
Russia Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii
Saudi Arabia Shahadat Al-Marhalat Al-Thanawiyyat
Singapore Singapore-Cambridge GCE O-Level
Sri Lanka Sri Lankan GCE A-Level
Taiwan Graduation Certificate/Diploma
Tajikistan Аттестат дар бораи тахсилоти миёнаи умуми / General secondary education certificate
Thailand Certificate of Secondary Education/Matayom VI
Turkey Lise Diplomasi
United Arab Emirates Tawjihiyya
Uzbekistan O’rta Ma’lumot To’g’risida Shahodatnoma
Vietnam Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông



Country/System Credential
Albania Deftese Pjekurie (Certificate of Maturity) or Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (Diploma of State Matura)
Armenia Mijnakarg Krtoutian Vkayakan (Secondary School General Certificate)
Belarus Attestat
Belgium Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur/Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs
Bosnia & Herzegovina Diploma o Zavrsenoj Gimnaziji/Svjedocanstvo Svjedodzba o Zavrsnom Ispitu (IV Stepen)/Svjedodzba o Zavrsenom Obrazovanju (IV Stepen)
Bulgaria Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie
Cyprus Απολντηριο Λυκειο/Apolyterion Lykion (Certificate of Completion from Upper Secondary School) or Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma)
Czech Republic Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce
Denmark Studentereksamensbevis/Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis
France Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement de Secondaire/Baccalauréat Général,
Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/ Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife/Abschlusszeugnis der Realschule/Abschlusszeugnis der Hauptschule
Italy Diploma di Maturità/Diploma (Certifica) di Esmae di Stato
Moldova Diploma de Baccalauréat/Atestat de Studi Medii de Cultura Generala/Atestat de Maturitate
Netherlands HAVO (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs) diploma/ Higher General Secondary Education Diploma or VWO (voorbereindend wetenschappelijk onderwijs) diploma/ University Preparatory Education Diploma
Norway Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skolen
Poland S´wiadectwo D´ojrzalosci/S´wiadectwo Ukon´czenia Liceum Ogólnoksztalcacego
Portugal Diploma de Ensino Secundário
Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat
Switzerland Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Attestato di Maturita
Ukraine Atestat


North America

Country/System Credential
Bahamas Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education
Belize Caribbean Examinations Council (Secondary Education Certificate or Advanced Proficiency Exam)
Canada High School Diploma
Costa Rica Diploma de conclusión de estudios de educación diversificada (Certificate of Conclusion of Diversified Education Studies) or Bachillerato
Cuba Bachillerato
Dominican Republic Bachiller/Bachillerato
El Salvador Bachiller/Bachillerato or Diploma de Educación Media
Guatemala Bachiller/Bachillerato
Haiti Baccalauréat II, Diplôme d’Enseignement Secondaire (Diploma of Secondary Instruction) or Diplôme de Fin d’Études Secondaires (Diploma of Completion of Secondary Studies)
Honduras Bachiller/Bachillerato
Jamaica Caribbean Examinations Council (Secondary Education Certificate or Advanced Proficiency Exam)
Mexico Bachillerato/Bachiller
Panama Diploma de Educación Media/Upper Secondary School Diploma or Diploma de Bachiller/ Baccalaureate Diploma
Trinidad and Tobago Caribbean Examinations Council (Secondary Education Certificate or Advanced Proficiency Exam)


South America

Country/System Credential
Argentina Bachiller
Brazil Certificado de Segundo Grau/Certificado de Conclusao do Ensino Medio
Chile Licencia de Educacion Media
Colombia Bachiller
Ecuador Bachiller
Peru Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa/ Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education) or Bachillerato Académic/ Academic Baccalaureate
Venezuela Bachiller or Título de Educación Media General/ Title of Upper Secondary Education